Quote for Today



Update April 2008

Posted by Unknown
We were contacted recently by a Day centre which cares for the elderly, to see if we would visit to Craft & Chat with some of the Service Users. We agreed to this and began making plans…
Wednesday 8th
We spent some time preparing for the Day centre at Mary’s home, completely messing up her dining room with the contents of the Craft & Chat boxes that have been in storage for a while...it was thought that a wheeled suitcase would be a good way of transporting our craft while also storing the regular items needed. Val kindly offered one that she had, but it was bigger than we needed, in fact – “it was big enough to put Ruth inside and run away with her.”
Wednesday 15th
Alice, Val, Mary and I visited the Day Centre for our first 'workshop'. We helped nine Service Users each make a card and a small box. It was good fun with lively conversation at the three tables. There are photos on this Blog showing Craft & Chat with the Silver Crafters, which I think sounds nicer than Service Users.
Wednesday 22nd morning
We arrived at Jane’s house in the morning and Alice filmed for YouTube yet another new movie (number 9). Making Glitter Lace Cards was demonstrated by Jane: her very first presentation and she enthused us in no time. There is another video called Create Order out of Chaos 1, looking at some of the stamps that Jane has neatly stored in her attic which is converted to a craft room, so it is wonderful to visit and poke among the treasure trove.
Wednesday 22nd afternoon
We have also been invited to take craft to a Hospice in Glasgow...Alice and I went in the afternoon to see what we could offer and we are planning to visit again and hold a presentation to show what we offer to teach and make. Practicalities and Disclosures will be taken into account before we proceed.
Video 13 is now available to view, instructing how to make an A6 Box, plus Video 14 will soon be on, showing the Mini Box being made. The Templates for these are available from the Projects page on our Website. I am all boxed out so am looking forward to some more ideas and movies from Jane. She has returned to work but will try to demonstrate for us when she can, so look out for some more ideas next month.
Val sent me an e-mail recently and I replied, totally unaware that we would then see it on this Blog. We will need to keep an eye on WebMom, while she is keeping an eye on us, and be very careful what we write!
Wednesday 29th
We hope to have some fun at Mary’s next week enjoying craft time among ourselves.
YouTube Subscribers
This has been a busy month but very rewarding. It has been good to be able to share some ideas not only with you on YouTube but also with our 'Silver Crafters'. It has also been encouraging to have comments made with regards to the movies, with a special thanks to Mary NSC. (Now, I wonder what NSC stands for -- kNitting/Sewing/Crochet perhaps? LOL)
Until next time ...
PS Yes, I know there is a K in knitting but it was the first word I thought of!


MaryNSC on 10:57 pm said...

YAWL r so FUNNY.U made my day!!
it stands for I M
N South Carolina.. HAHAHHA


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