Quote for Today

There is no substitute for the comfort supplied by the utterly taken-for granted relationship.



A Conglomeration of Clydes

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Clyde in Central Station
photo by Jackie
You might have noticed that I've been posting a lot of Clydes? Prepare to be further bombarded, from a variety of sources. There's even a knitted Clyde, pattern by Juanita McLellan, which also appeared in the Scottish newspaper the Daily Record and on her blog as World Famous...in Glasgow
Clyde knitted
by Juanita McLellan
There's also a crocheted Clyde, pattern by Heather Orr.
Clyde crocheted
by Heather Orr
Clyde is part of Team Scotland and this little collection had a seat on the bus around Glasgow.
Clyde Team Scotland
photo by Jackie

Bellahouston Park hosted Flourish - title taken from the Glasgow motto, Let Glasgow Flourish by the preaching of the Word and the praising of his Name.
Clyde at Edmiston Drive
photo by Rebecca

Now for a few more.
Clyde in Buchanan Street bus station
photo by Jackie
Clyde at Sauchiehall Street
near the Art School
photo by Rebecca
Clyde at Sauchiehall Street
photo by Rebecca
Clyde on the Clyde
Coned like the Duke of Wellington statue
photo by Alistair Cameron
Goodnight from the opening ceremony
Floral Clyde at Glasgow Green
photo by Mark Cameron


Opening Ceremony

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The Games got off to a showbizzy tartan start with a song of the Clyde - of iconic Scottish inventions and discoveries, including dancing teacakes!

I wasn't at the Opening Ceremony so the photos are via my TV screen!

The Queen's Baton was flown to the riverside and made its way to Celtic Park.

There was a humungous screen alongside one complete side of the stadium and a rainbow-coloured track, round which the athletes paraded, complete with wee Scottie dugs in front..

The Red Arrows did a fly-past as the Queen and Prince Philip arrived.

All the Commonwealth Nations were greeted with loud enthusiasm and Scotland as the host Team were the final ones to come into the Stadium.

The Baton was brought by relay to the Queen, where there was some difficulty in opening it to remove the Queen's Message for her to read!

Sir Chris Hoy holds the Baton aloft

Fireworks rounded off an exciting evening.
The Duke of Wellington Statue is always humorously behatted with a traffic cone

Clyde at Glasgow Central Station
photo by Jackie


The Games have Arrived!

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Friend's "Thistle Boy" Clyde rag doll
Today is the day!

Celtic Park
The opening ceremony is today 23 July 2014 at 8pm when the Queen herself will declare the opening by reading a message contained in the baton which was placed there in October 2013. The baton has been at the centre of the 190,000 kilometre, 288-day relay through each competing nation. All through Scotland, crowds have gathered in a carnival atmosphere to watch the baton pass through their area.
App logo
My City: Glasgow is another App on Google Play, produced by Glasgow University and Strathclyde University to encourage walking and exploring the city - at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.ac.gla.mycity&hl=en_GB 

Floral Clyde at Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum
photo by Rebecca
Craft & Chat set off last month with our new trolley to transport our crafting bags.
craftywhippet aka Ruth


1 Day to Go...and Craft Catch-Up

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Wooden Clyde in Queen's Park
photo by Jackie
The city is a-buzzin' with Volunteers and Athletes at the Games Village. Down by the river side is where it's at, but tomorrow is the big opening by the Queen at Celtic Park.

However, to catch up craft-wise.
The craft group used Card-io Majestix (formerly Tapestry) rubber stamps to try out patterned cards. We had fun seeing how different they could be. Stamp once, then second generation without re-inking for a clustered effect. Stamp once for individual flower effects.


The next craft evening we tried our hand at decoupage, using shoes cut from thick gift wrap paper, following the instructions given by the Scottish School of Decoupage. Finicky but fun.
Decoupaged glitter shoes
We rounded off the craft group by going out to lunch with Jean and had a lovely time in Stirling - landing on the same day as the Armed Forces Day 2014.
What a noise the Tornado planes made!

Craft & Chat ladies who lunch


2 Days to Go...

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Clyde at Buchanan Street
photo by Rebecca
Two days to go ... there's an App for the Clyde Trail - the mascot for the Glasgow Commonwealth Games 2014 - at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wildinart.clyde - great fun for an outing with the children during the school holidays.

I am trying to post as many of the 25 Fibreglass statues, and 2 Floral, plus 1 Wooden, as we can find - Rebecca has been photographing for me her results for Craft & Chat, so we'll see how we get on. Craftywhippet lives near three of them, so she might have a photographic assignment too! 

The Big G was in my previous post at http://www.geniushands.co.uk/2014/07/glasgow-2014-commonwealth-games.html 
Clyde at St Enoch Square
photo by Rebecca
Clyde at Victoria Park
photo by Rebecca
Keep searching!


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