Quote for Today



Glitter Post

Posted by CraftyWhippet
Hi Everyone
The lead up to Christmas is always a busy time and this year is no different. I would like to thank Nicky at the Glitter Pot for delivering an order to me so promptly. At the time of ordering there was free delivery so not only did it arrive quickly, but I had no postage. Thanks Nicky. I hope you all have a Happy Christmas.
They can be found at www.theglitterpot.co.uk

I had ordered the same items from QVC but when I found out that each of my four orders were being charged P&P despite being sent to the one delivery address I tried to cancel by telephone and e mail..... but was too late.
They were sent out, but I did not accept them. The four packages for which I had paid four postage charges (two half price ) were delivered in one bag which I thought was very unfair!!!! I know other people with similar stories, so bear in mind when ordering from QVC that they have separate postage for each item...I will not be using QVC meantime for multiple orders nor will my friends.

I have almost caught up with my cards for this year and might manage to complete them over the next few days, or weeks, or even months as we have had yet another fall of snow so will be indoors more.

With best wishes for Christmas


Rita on 4:46 am said...

I haven't ordered from QVC, but this is good to know. Sounds very unfair. I am glad you sent them back. I hope you don't have problems getting your money refunded. That's another issue sometimes. It's a good thing you had someplace else to order from who gives good service. Hope you finish your cards in time. Merry Christmas! :):)

Hazeyj on 1:38 pm said...

That's great advice Ruth - I certainly would not use QVC while that is their policy. I hate people taking advantage of postal charges, especially if you have no choice. Glad you were able to source somewhere more reasonable ( and probably a lot smaller concern than QVC - it just goes to show!)Will have a look at the Glitterpot. Hope you and Alice and your loved ones all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year - lang may yer lums reek! Hugs, Hazel x

Unknown on 8:48 am said...

@Rita and @Hazeyj Thanks for your responses - wishing you both a Happy Christmas and a new year of crafting.

CraftyWhippet on 10:18 pm said...

Thanks Rita and Hazeyj.

Another parcel from QVC was returned today and as yet no sign of a refund. I am glad you found the Glitter Pot interesting.
Cards are mainly family now so I have a good chance of completion before Saturday.


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