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Posted by Unknown
Hi Everyone,

I have to apologise for the delay in writing the Blog. I have been reminded by Web Mom Alice loads of times and I promised that I would do it when I returned from holiday. Alice was on holiday at the same time as I was and now we are home it is time to catch up
I would like to say at this point regarding the videos that we experimented with (or should I say Alice did) filming by remote control so that we could both participate in the demo. However we forgot about time and over ran big time. The videos, rather than being edited have been cut in half therefore making Part 1 and Part 2 so you will find that Part 1 will suddenly stop and part two will pick up at the point where it left you wondering what on earth was going on. However there was a delay of a few hours until part 2 is uploaded so please bear with us. We will need to have a clock to remind us in future as Alice just doesn't stop talking....... Alice's friend Jean who was a guest at her sons wedding can verify this Thanks Phyllis (of EaziScoreboard) for your lovely comments we both appreciated them.

I am just back from a week in Malta where I met some very nice people. I mentioned the craft demos that we make and was saying that if they are subscribed to you will be notified every time a demonstration,(I use the term very loosely) is uploaded.. The hotel where my husband and I stayed had a roof sun terrace where the hardest work I did for a week was to put on sun cream and drink water by the bottle. It was there that I met Lisa. I hope you are still enjoying your time in Malta and hope it is a little cooler when your Mum arrives. Hello Opal. She and Lisa are friends and enjoyed being on the sun roof along with Dorothy a lady who stays in the east coast of Scotland. Opal and Lisa were kept busy trying to follow our Scottish accents but they finally got the hang of it. When the temperature is close to a hundred degrees it is hard to concentrate on anything. It was good to meet you all and hope you enjoy the rest of the summer. Please keep in touch either by my e mail address or the via web site.

That is only partly why there has been a delay in the blog and videos. Prior to going on holiday Alice's son was married. Alice and I were making the wedding stationery while also rehearsing with 400 singers for the 2009 Praise Gathering concert which was in the Royal Concert Hall Glasgow over three nights in June. All our music and words had to be memorised over ten intense rehearsals on Monday evenings but it was very enjoyable and so worthwhile.

Alice and I also achieved our BSL (British Sign Language) introduction to sign language certificate which was completed during this time.

Somwhere in between was the usual household tasks needing done and time just disappeared.

I hope you enjoy the latest demos and we look forward to your feedback.

Best wishes as usual
Crafty Whippet



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