Quote for Today



My Dream Job

Posted by Unknown

Blog prompt #26

Are you doing now what you had always wanted to do when you were a child? What was your dream job as a child?

I didn't have any particular dream job as a child.  But when I became a teenager, big mainframe computing became an interest. However, that meant going to London as there was nothing available locally; having met my future hubby by that time, I stayed put and became a maths teacher instead! No difference, not much.

In the 1980s home computers came on the scene and I cuddled an Acorn Electron (baby brother of the BBC Micro) all the way home on the bus, after managing to bag one, they were so scarce and sought-after.  Together my son and I explored the joys of BASIC computing. Ah the memories of the Elbug magazine and together typing in masses of code to make a game work, only to be stopped by an error message, having typed a colon instead of a semicolon (or the other way round!).

Next came Personal Computers and my ambition was fulfilled in guddling about learning all I could.  I still don't have a job in computing, but I have fun appeasing my interest with blogging, video-making and photography instead via the crafting.


Rita on 7:53 pm said...

You may not have a paid computer job but you know leaps and bounds over what little I know. Smart woman! ;)

Anonymous said...

Tee hee, I was allowed to borrow our school's BBC Micro one Christmas holiday and remember typing in code for games. I don't think I got one to work - I got bored long before I'd finished typing! I still have a bit of tape left from one of my programs though - our school had a big console that would dial up the computer in the nearest town to run your program. It definitely taught you to check your code thoroughly!


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