Guess what? I forgot to check the battery for the remote control! However, that only required one of us to get off our seat and manually start/stop the video camera. Giggling together as usual, afterwards my brain suddenly kicked into gear and remembered I had a spare battery, where? In the camera case, of course. So we just filmed a little extra bit for the end of the video. We hope you enjoy Tatty Teddy Easter and look forward to your comments. What will we film next?
Here are some of the cards we made:
Tatty Teddy Easter sample card for Hospice |
Tatty Teddy Easter card packs for assembling at Hospice |
Tatty Teddy Baby Dedication card |
Tatty Teddy Easter Waterfall cards |
Tatty Teddy Spring Chic Digital cards |
Tatty Teddy Easter mini Gatefold card |
Tatty Teddy Engagement card |
Tatty Teddy Ruby 40th Anniversary Stepper card |
Tatty Teddy Birthday card for a crafter |
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