Quote for Today



Gathering our thoughts

Posted by Unknown
So, Praise Gathering first dress rehearsal was last night – do you think we were preparing for that? No. The best way to prepare for exams (if you’ve done the groundwork!) is by relaxing – so, hey, we filmed a YouTube video: the frame card, filled with a Cuttlebug background, that we did at our last craft evening.  That went fine, apart from me totally confusing CraftyWhippet by wanting to film the close-up shots of the work done on the Eaziscore board first…then she had to start from scratch again as if she’d never been filmed doing the other stuff.  Oops, should it have been the opposite way around? Tough, it was done, LOL. CraftyWhippet
But then she had one of her bright ideas.  Oh, nooooo.  “Let’s spend half an hour preparing for the next craft night”, says she.  Taking the Eazibox Project book, we turned to the page on making the crib card.  Well, I don’t think either of our brains was working too well, as we carefully walked through the steps – however, we did manage it.  Ah, except for one little detail – we couldn’t get the gathered pleats (created from a 12” by 3” strip of decorated paper, on the Hougie or Eaziscore board) to cover the length of the crib.  We gave up at that point, as time was running out.  An e-mail to Phyllis, of DiamondCardCraft, sorted out the problem – as we had finally deduced, it took two strips of pleats. Problem solved.  Let’s see what we’ll make of it all when the group next meets…watch the blog for completed card photos (says she hopefully).


Rita on 1:48 pm said...

I can hardly wait till I have time to watch your new video. You're lucky you have someone to call to help you out of an Eaziscore pickle--hehe! :)

Unknown on 1:54 pm said...

Yes, Phyllis is a great help - we met her on the DiamondCardCraft stand at the big Craft exhibition held in Glasgow twice a year. The video might not be on till next week, I'll see how much time and brainpower I have spare!


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