Quote for Today



We have not been idle

Posted by Unknown
Well, it might seem to have been quiet on the Craft & Chat front, but we have not been idle. Don't ask me where January went because it's nearly February! Snow blasted us unexpectedly yesterday but today all is sunny.

Relaxing after our latest volunteer visit to the Prince and Princess of Wales Hospice in Glasgow, Ruthie wanted to know how to attach a lobster clasp and jump rings to a cord for a glass pendant - part of her purchases from a previous visit to Hobbycrafts fair.  I had brought my wee case of tools with me and as I offered advice and watched her squint in the poor light, she thought it might be worth filming her attempts! Fortunately I had my stills camera with me, which is better than nothing.  The outcome was surprising.  Really a "How-(not)-to" and outtake video combined! Enjoy.
Happy crafting!


Rita on 10:30 pm said...

My left wrist/arm has permanent muscle damage so I have very little grip strength at all and if I try to do things like that I can put my wrist out for days, anyways. So I am soooo glad my daughter-in-law is excellent with tools. Whenever we bead she is the one who takes care of all the findings attachments--bless her heart!

So funny that, after all that struggle, she attached it to the old one!! Sounds like something I would do. You guys gave me a giggle today. :):)

Unknown on 7:41 am said...

Oh sorry to hear of the probs. Crafters do know how to overcome difficulties. Yes, it was funny, wasn't it.

McCrafty's Cards on 5:51 pm said...

Hi Alice, Thank you so much for thinking of me you are too kind,
Kevin xx


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