Blog prompt #18
How do you feel about spring cleaning? Blog about it! Mention your favourite household cleaner and talk about the advert that always makes you buy...or perhaps you just don't do any because crafting takes over your life!
Invite a fellow Creativity Club member/blogger to join you in blogging daily. This could be a fun friendship.
How do I feel about Spring cleaning? It's necessary but I haven't yet felt compelled to get into it since the weather here in Scotland is hardly Spring-like! It's cold and wet, so we are not happy bunnies. Where is the mild, gentle, freshness?
I used to be able to buy a product called Swipe through home-sellers, suitable for cleaning just about anything at various dilutions. Lakeland sells lots of reliable products: my favourite window-cleaner is Nil Glass; furniture polish Bald's Original Furniture Balm or anything with lavender and beeswax, I hate silicone-based furniture sprays; Stardrops liquid, Vanish soap are great cleaners.
Advert? I get mail catalogues from Lakeland. The only TV ads that impact me are for electronic gadgets! I love all things computer.
Crafting certainly doesn't take over my life, although I was told that my whole online presence is about craft! I have too many other things going on for that to happen. Videos, photos and blogging - all using the computer, is way more fun than crafting - is that heresy? Definitely time to start blogging about basic computer skills lol.
I used to be able to buy a product called Swipe through home-sellers, suitable for cleaning just about anything at various dilutions. Lakeland sells lots of reliable products: my favourite window-cleaner is Nil Glass; furniture polish Bald's Original Furniture Balm or anything with lavender and beeswax, I hate silicone-based furniture sprays; Stardrops liquid, Vanish soap are great cleaners.
Advert? I get mail catalogues from Lakeland. The only TV ads that impact me are for electronic gadgets! I love all things computer.
Crafting certainly doesn't take over my life, although I was told that my whole online presence is about craft! I have too many other things going on for that to happen. Videos, photos and blogging - all using the computer, is way more fun than crafting - is that heresy? Definitely time to start blogging about basic computer skills lol.
Ha-ha, Carddiva said about cleaning: Thats one of those swear words my mum warned me about.
Well Alice, maybe you could come and do mine for me? Lol. And you could teach me computer skills at the same time, oh and I know someone who would makes us some lovely scones, so we could also have a tea party.
I love your blog, and you use some of the same cleaning things as I do.
Love and hugs
Annie xxx
Cleaning! I only do that when I have to--LOL!
I agree with you. I have so many interests that I am always rotating around from this to that. Makes life such fun!!
Have a great weekend. :)
@Annie - what! do MORE cleaning, in your dreams. Definitely up for computer and scones though - that's more my style...
@Rita - yes rotation is what makes the world go round!
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