Blog prompt #28
Write about the post that has been really popular on your blog so far in May. Take a look at your stats and write about it.
I thought at first that To Scrapbook or not to Scrapbook?was at the top, but guess what? - it's Day in the life of... Hudson the black labradorthat had the most views in May. Does that mean that on a supposedly craft-related blog, dogs are the most interesting topic? Woof! Man's best friend - and I'm a cat lover!
Oh Alice, of course dogs are the most interesting topic. Everyone like something to go AWW at! And I laughed out loud when I read what you had written, because I have just entered Word Art Wednesday challenge, but you will have to go and see why I laughed out loud!!!
Thank you for sharing your lovely post with us today.
Love and hugs
Annie xxx
You can never tell why a blog is popular. My most popular all time blog post is because of a video I posted.
Cracks me up every time I watch it! :)
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